Experts warned: “Inappropriate bag use can lead to numbness in the arms and hands”
- GeneralHealth
- 22/09/2023
- 426
Stating that carrying a backpack at school age poses some risks for the spine that is constantly developing in children, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Dr. Hatice Kübra Aşık said, “Inappropriate bag use and heavy bags can cause shoulder, neck and back pain, numbness in the arms and hands, and even cause health problems in later ages.”
Stating that back and lower back pain has become a growing health problem in school age and young population, Dr Hatice Kübra Aşık shared important information about the use of bags. Stating that carrying backpacks at school age poses some risks for the ever-developing spine in children, Aşık said, “Inappropriate bag use and heavy bags can cause shoulder, neck and back pain, numbness in the arms and hands, and even lead to health problems in later ages.” Aşık said, “Since the spine structure develops and changes every year in these age groups, protection gains more importance compared to the adult population.”
“Should not be carried on one shoulder”
Stating that carrying the bag by hanging it on both shoulders is very important in terms of balancing the body posture, Beykent University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Hatice Kübra Aşık said, “All factors contributing to the weight of the backpack should be reviewed and these factors should be regulated as much as possible. Carrying the backpack on one shoulder may cause the load to be greater in this area and cause more strain on the side where it is carried. To prevent this, the bags should be carried by wearing both shoulder straps.”
Aşık continued his speech as follows:
“In addition, the compartments in the bag should be used effectively and the heavier books or materials should be placed closer to the back so that the weight is distributed and a balanced bag is created. When children carry the bag, the bag should be as close as possible to the back without leaning forwards or backwards and the back smoothness should be maintained.”