
University students produce anti-bacterial band-aids

In Istanbul, 4 university students are producing anti-bacterial band-aids that can be used in the care of body wounds that can cause many chronic diseases. The project, which uses cinnamon
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EU backs Turkish academic researching the origins of life

Assoc. Prof. Doğan Erbahar, an expert on nanostructures and one of the world’s leading academics in space research, received support from the EU for the scientific project ‘NanoSpace’, which investigates
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2023 rising professions list announced: “There is a shift towards innovative professions”

The 2023 rising professions list published by social business network and sharing platform LinkedIn has been announced. In the study, which reveals 15 popular business areas that are in demand,
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Robot nurse era begins in intensive care units

A new one has been added to technological developments in the field of health. Intensive care robot nurses, which will gain functionality with artificial intelligence, will be able to take
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“Uncertainty in the metaverse universe has devalued virtual lands”

The values of virtual lands in the Metaverse universe, which started to be sold in 2021, fell rapidly. Assistant Professor Ayça Maden, who conducts scientific studies in the field of
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Turkey’s first ‘virus-free’​ university campus opens its doors

Turkey’s first “virus-free” university campus has been introduced in Istanbul to maintain face-to-face education while reducing the spread of COVID-19 on Tuesday. Doğuş University‘s Ataşehir Dudullu campus, equipped with ultraviolet
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Turkish scientists produce lunar soil on earth

A team of Turkish scientists has succeeded in producing lunar soil to be used in scientific research within the scope of projects on space colonization. The success has led Turkey to become one of the 10 countries
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