2023 rising professions list announced: “There is a shift towards innovative professions”

2023 rising professions list announced: “There is a shift towards innovative professions”

The 2023 rising professions list published by social business network and sharing platform LinkedIn has been announced. In the study, which reveals 15 popular business areas that are in demand, on the rise and the trends that complement the working world of the future, it was shared that 10 of the 15 fastest growing professions in the last 5 years are the video game industry. Asisstant Professor Eray Dinç, Head of Digital Game Design Department at Beykent University, said that there is a transition from traditional professions to innovative professions.

The pandemic and the subsequent global economic turmoil have led to significant changes in business life. With the 2023 LinkedIn rising professions list published on January 18, 15 popular positions that have been in demand and on the rise in the last 5 years were announced. Stating that the video game industry has become one of the most important sectors in Turkey, Eray Dinç said, “The first companies in Turkey to make sales of 1 billion dollars called Unicorn are video game companies. There are purchases from abroad almost every three months. A profit of more than 1 billion dollars, 2 billion dollars is constantly obtained from here. When we look at it in terms of bringing foreign currency to our country, the video game sector realizes the highest figures again.”


Stating that the study consists of a research that directly covers data such as recruitment, Asisstant Professor Eray Dinç said, “10 of the 15 rising, most trending and most income-generating sectors in 5 years are included in the video game industry. This was already expected, but when it was explained with data in this way, the facts came to light. Even if you put all entertainment sectors on top of each other, the video game industry, which has an annual volume of 200 billion dollars in the world, does not. When we look at this data in Turkey, the video game industry takes the lead in the most rising occupational groups.”


Making statements about the development of the video game industry, Dinç said the following:

“Cinema used to lead the entertainment sector. However, due to the inadequate infrastructure of movie theaters, not surprising people too much, people not showing too much interest, easier content consumption with digital platforms, and the closure of movie theaters due to the pandemic, alternative intellectual entertainment consumption was sought. At this point, since the video game industry is an entertainment industry where you can consume these contents on any device, anywhere and with your technological infrastructure, our country suddenly became aware of it. Although it is actually one of the most trendy professions of the last 20 years, as we mentioned, the fact that the cinema industry searched for new searches and could not find new alternatives in the pandemic revealed the video game industry more. The development of technology, the approach of games to reality, and the shift of people in the cinema industry to this sector opened a new dimension that we call interactive cinema. Even though the old word “game” is used as a word that cannot be taken seriously, new intellectual accumulations are shaped by game technology.”


Underlining that every professional group can take part in the video game industry, Dinç said, “When we look at the game artist we call game designer, three-dimensional character design, architectural design approaches, game screenwriter, game economy expert, we see that it is in every field. Software developers, computer engineering, game engineering and game coding are particularly sought after fields. Therefore, we can say that every professional group can take part in this field; if you study architecture, you can be an architect for game design, if you study engineering, you can be an engineer for game design, if you study art, you can make art for game design. We need people from all professions in this field. When people who have directly acquired a gaming culture, who have mastered the intellectual structure of games, who know how to play games and the history of games, identify this with their own professions, something brand new emerges.”


Stating that these professions have come to the present day by feeding on tradition, Dinç continued his words as follows:

“When you say ‘I’m doing a traditional job’, don’t worry, there is a huge business opportunity and door in the video game industry. We should not be afraid of technology, we should look at its good sides. There is a shift from traditional professions to innovative professions. In the next 10 years, many professions will not be practiced, will disappear and new professions will emerge. Especially with the new generation approaches we call blockchain-based web3, even our transactions such as banking, visas, and foreign travel will be completely shaped on this infrastructure. Therefore, it is necessary to keep up with these technologies now.”


Dinç also talked about parents’ perspectives on the video game industry:

“When you look at the definition of the video game industry, your losses have to be completely artificial. You can’t really lose your money, your health. This is why our gaming industry is often confused with other approaches in other gaming industries. Games such as casinos and games of chance are not part of the video game industry, even if the word “game” is used. Parents confuse the gaming industry with these kinds of games where there are real casualties. First of all, we need to distinguish that our video game industry is a brand new world with an intellectual infrastructure like cinema, and when you experience it, you can gain a great deal of knowledge like reading a book. When we look at history, societies that do not play games and do not protect their own games have collapsed. Cultures determine their way of life and quality of life through their games. So it is very wrong and very wrong to deprive them of the game.”

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